I finished the Double Irish Chain quilt. I am really pleased with it. Because of using the rounded border and adding the prairie points; the quilt had to be sewed, leaving an opening and then turned inside out. I did a major blunder and layered it like a reqular quilt so when it was turned the fabrics were correct only the batting was on the outside. After fixing that wonderful blunder...I stitched the opening closed and tied the center of the flowers with embroidery thread and did three hand embroidered designs in the middle as my friend wanted. I am very happy with this and will at some point make another Double Irish Chain.

Click on photo to enlarge; it shows the colors much better and clearer.
I almost forgot; today is day twelve of taking the medication; I am feeling wonderful and not craving a cigarette (except in the afternoon; which I had one yesterday during this time)so I feel very confident that I will be able to totally quit smoking.
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