Dodger and I spent the day at my parents; mom is doing better but is still very weak. Well, I mowed the front and back lawns for dad and then I helped mom put new lining in all of the kitchen cabinets and drawers. Mom did not do much, but keep me company and rinse the rag out (she still is very weak, but my mother has never been a person to sit---she is always doing something, so this being sick for three weeks is driving her crazy.
Well we ran out of the lining, so off we went to Wal Mart. Dad bought me the fabric pictured above as "payment". He knows that he does not have to do that but he always insists. So now I have the fabric to start the Double Irish Chain quilt I found on the Quilters Cache site. A friend of ours has a lot of serious health problems and I have been wanting to make her a quilt. I just love the Double Irish Chain quilts I have seen pictures of and had been contemplating doing a scrappy version, but just was not sure how it would look. But did not have the "right" fabrics in stock, so figured it would have to wait awhile. WHAHOOOO.....fathers are so wonderful.
Once we finished the kitchen, oh by the gave me loads of stuff for the garage sale and a few items for me that she never uses and just take up space. WHAHOOOO....mothers are so wonderful. Dodger loves them both very much also, they must have given her more treats today than she gets in a week at home....WHAHOOOO....Grandparents are so wonderful(we call them that for Dodger aside from their real grandchildren).
Then off to home we came. I have had a couple pretty busy and exciting days so just had to share a little of everything. Have a great day quilting. I have quilting to do myself so off I go.
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