Saturday, May 3, 2008

Busy Weekend!

Sorry it has been a few days...preparing for a garage sale is tedious, boring, and exhausting. Well yesterday, today and tomorrow have been very early morning wake up calls, a few cups of coffee and out to open the garage door and welcome in the customers. Aside from making a few extra dollars...garage sales are enjoyable. You get to meet and talk with so many people. With this garage sale I have had the added bonus of talking with other quilters, swapping tales and ideas and they have all boosted my ego high into the clouds with delightful comments about the wonderful work, straight seams, matched corners or beautiful fabrics. Yesterday I sold a quilt top that I just was not pleased with and could not finish it; well the woman who bought it was thrilled and could not wait to get home and place it with the perfect backing and finsish it. That makes you feel good. Today, I actually sold two lap quilts. WOW...that means a little extra money for quilting supplies. The rest goes to all of the other "necessary" expenses. With a little help from above, maybe tomorrow I will sell a couple more. Although the majority of my quilts are given away, I try and sell some to help keep the quilting going. Have a great day quilting. I will not be able to for another day. So sew a seam for me!

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