Saturday, July 11, 2015

Good Morning!  Here in Grants Pass, Oregon this week we have been having overcast skies, rain and thankfully much lower temperatures than the past couple of weeks.  I have some exciting news to share with all of you.

Recently, I began following this blog....IVORY SPRING where past and present connect

I have enjoyed every post that I have read and had a lot of fun exploring Wendy Sheppard's site.  Reading her recent post on a book review,  Jeri Simon’s Beginner’s Guide to QUILTMAKING ,
I felt really inspired to share.  As quilters, we have all faced that scary road of beginning to learn the whole process of creating a quilt.  Many of us have traveled this path pretty much alone, others have found a mentor or a group, learned entirely from books, blogs and video tutorials and other methods that are not coming to my mind.  It would have been glorious if each and every single one of us had found and been able to use a book such as Jeri Simon's wrote. 

*special note*  I have not actually looked at the book, I am going on what Wendy wrote on her post alone.

I recommend that you go and read the post yourself and draw your own conclusions.  Plus, while there, look around and see if you would like to follow Wendy's blog also.  Blogs are a fabulous way to stay connected in the quilting world and learn/share so much information.

On an extra note.....I am totally beginning my blog journey once again.  In the time I have been away, so many things have changed and/or improved, I feel like my blog is out of date and really behind the times.  So, with the help of my hubby Kevin, slowly over the course of time and discovery we will be making changes to my blog.  Please, have patience with us while we learn and I hope that you enjoy reading and exploring my The Quilt Journey!!

Have a Wonderful Day!

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