The last few days I have been working on my future flower bed on the side of the garage that faces our front porch. I have a lot of plans for landscaping our yard, but they do take time and a lot of muscles (by the way I do not have much of (LOL) ). I have discovered this spring that many of last years landscaping is not the right place for the flowers. Therefore, rearranging and new spots have to be prepared. Although I may swear now and then, give up for a few hours or days, I always go back and start where I left off. The closer it gets to being done, the easier it is to understand why I torture my muscles with the pain. Plus, the Lord provides so many breathtaking rewards; like the setting sun (above) last night!
This tree is magnificent, I stood back as far as I could (without going into the neighbors yard) and still could not get the whole tree. But hopefully you can see how it is at least 20 feet (my guess) above the garage. Although I thank the Lord for such beautiful treasures, I have to admit I am not fond of the root system this glorious tree has.
This shows the area that I am turning into a flower bed. I transplanted a few of my bulb flowers in the very first section. It was fairly easy to dig up, a few roots, tons of rocks and only a small amount of black plastic. When I moved to the next section is when the trouble began. The tree above has been growing in this yard for many, many years and it has spread its roots far, wide, shallow and deep. I feel like a feind for chopping them up and all, but...this is going to be such a wonderful flower bed in time.
Dodger just had to have her picture taken.
In the end I managed to get this semi-huge root out of the future flower bed, along with hundreds of smaller ones.
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