Monday, February 22, 2016

Project Linus Quilts

I highly recommend going and checking out this post if you like the quilt above.  Plus, Yvonne is an awesome modern quilter who has excellent taste and superb skills in piecing and long arm quilting.  She shares such important information on her posts, writes excellent tutorials and is (for me) a very inspiring individual.  So look around and leave a comment telling her Brenda sent you!

Yvonne of Quilting Jetgirl blog posted a blog with information about a scrappy block that she had made and included the link to the site...Stash BeeHive 9 February Tutorial.... well I am a lover of scrap blocks and quilts!  I showed Deanna and she agreed that we should make this our Project Linus Quilt project for the month.  Luckily for us, I had a small clear storage tote filled with precut 2 inch fabric squares and we started digging, soon the scraps were dumped into two big Tupperware bowls that I use to make double batches of homemade bread in. 

Deanna is proudly holding up her finished baby quilt!  Although neither of us took pictures of the backs, we used solid dark blues.  We both also did straight line quilting.

I made a lap sized quilt.  I am trying to aim for making quilts that can be given to older kids and even teenagers in our community.  Through a lot of reading and talking, I have come to discover that not many quilters focus on this age group.  So, I am!  Plus, I am reaching out with my loud voice full of enthusiasm and love of quilting trying to encourage everyone to make at least one LAP to TWIN sized quilt a year for our older children and teens! 

While Deanna and I were creating these fun scrap quilts; we laughed and talked about using this pattern over and over using a variety of different sized precut blocks.  That yes, I have already cut and sorted into darks and lights and from sizes one and a half all the way up to six inch squares!  Now that Deanna has brought her Accuquilt and Dies into the party....we are going to be making scrap quilts like hot cakes!  LOL....well, I hope we can!

Deanna is coming over later on and we are going to be working on a couple of various projects today!  So I hope that you have a fantastic creative day!  Thanks for stopping by and I love comments and will reply as quickly as I can!


1 comment:

  1. The quilts look great, Brenda! I love that the Stash Bee block excited you both into making such lovely and loving gifts for Project Linus. I am sure they will mean a lot to whomever receives them.
