Sunday, April 10, 2016


 I took the time before beginning Step 4 from Caroles post and finished trimming all of my remaining half square triangles.  Deanna was a huge help in this achievement.  I have been experiencing severe pain in the area between my right thumb and wrist.  I think that either arthritis or Corpal Tunnel has set in and it is getting so bad I can barely use my right hand to lift anything.  Cutting with the rotary cutter is oh my goodness cry time pain.

 If you have not been following along with the Scrap Dance Mystery Quilt that Carole at

the link is above.  I really advise you to go and check it out.  I completed her last Mystery Quilt in 2015 and my Hubby and I loved it so much it is the only quilt I have ever kept for us in my 10 plus years of quilting! 

I did only manage to get these two blocks completely made the day the clue was posted.  But that is alright, I have almost an entire month to make a grand total of 16 of these.  Last year, I chose to make a Queen sized quilt.  This year, because of numerous other quilt projects and other projects, I chose to make a lap quilt.  Already though, after just seeing the brilliance of the color play and design of this scrappy block....I may have to make another quilt!  Thankfully, Deanna and I both had cut extra pieces for a friend who we thought was going to be doing it and would need some assistance and she ended up not being a friend at all and so we have all of these extra pieces already to use!

Thanks for stopping by and hope that you have a fantastic creative day!   Brenda

1 comment:

  1. Brenda, I was also thinking of making another quilt too even if its just lap sized. Brenda than you for helping me with comprehending what I am supposed to do with this. And most of all Thank you for all the laughs that we have everyday we are together. I Love you my friend.
